Healthy Dog Expo

Healthy Dog Expo

We love our dogs. If you ask any dog lover what they want most, it’s their best friend by their side forever. Yet today, it seems our dogs battle more health challenges than ever. Rising cancer rates, musculoskeletal injuries, autoimmune disease, organ failure, and more. Lifespans are shorter. More veterinary visits are needed to manage problems, at an ever-rising cost. We need to reverse this trend, and give our dogs the long and healthy lives they deserve.

That’s why the Healthy Dog Expo is coming to Albany! The Expo will bring internationally respected authorities that are on the cutting edge of natural dog health, feeding, and veterinary care. With talks, demonstrations, exhibits, and vendors, Expo guests will have a variety of ways to learn and share their experiences.

The Expo will offer CCPDT CEU’s for both trainers and behavior consultants! Details to follow!